Cyphastrea is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral in the family Merulinidae. The polyps are much smaller than most LPS corals, but their care is more like LPS coral than SPS coral. Cyphastrea are encrusting coral and can be found a variety of colors and color combinations. They are easy to keep and can grow fast under good conditions making them a good beginner coral.
Cyphastrea likes low light in the range of 50 – 125 par. As with many corals, it is easier to do harm with too much light, so it is best to start lower and see how the coral does. You can move it higher in the tank or slowly increase the par and see how it does.
Cyphastrea are not hard to keep getting most of their food from their symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic zooxanthellae, but they will additionally capture food from the water column. They tend to do better if there is a good amount of food in the water column.
Water flow should be moderate for Cyphastrea as it keeps the corals free of detritus and brings them food. But, it is best to keep the flow indirect as too much flow can damage the coral and make it hard for it to get food.
Cyphastrea are peaceful corals and won’t bother other corals very much. But, it is still best to give them 2 – 3 inches of space.
Water Quality: PH 8.0 – 8.4, Nitrate 5 – 10 (best to keep it stable), Phosphate 0.05 – 0.1, Alkalinity 8 – 9 dKh, and Calcium 400 – 450.
This is a representative picture of the piece of coral you will receive, not the exact piece of coral (almost WYSIWYG).
Cyphastrea is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral in the family Merulinidae. The polyps are much smaller than most LPS corals, but their care is more like LPS coral than SPS coral. Cyphastrea are encrusting coral and can be found a variety of colors and color combinations. They are easy to keep and can grow fast under good conditions making them a good beginner coral.
Cyphastrea likes low light in the range of 50 – 125 par. As with many corals, it is easier to do harm with too much light, so it is best to start lower and see how the coral does. You can move it higher in the tank or slowly increase the par and see how it does.
Cyphastrea are not hard to keep getting most of their food from their symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic zooxanthellae, but they will additionally capture food from the water column. They tend to do better if there is a good amount of food in the water column.
Water flow should be moderate for Cyphastrea as it keeps the corals free of detritus and brings them food. But, it is best to keep the flow indirect as too much flow can damage the coral and make it hard for it to get food.
Cyphastrea are peaceful corals and won’t bother other corals very much. But, it is still best to give them 2 – 3 inches of space.
Water Quality: PH 8.0 – 8.4, Nitrate 5 – 10 (best to keep it stable), Phosphate 0.05 – 0.1, Alkalinity 8 – 9 dKh, and Calcium 400 – 450.
This is a representative picture of the piece of coral you will receive, not the exact piece of coral (almost WYSIWYG).