Being a relatively easy coral to care for, this Stylocoeniella is a vibrant encrusting stony coral exhibiting traits akin to small polyp stony corals like Montipora, while also sharing resemblances with certain small polyp forms of Goniopora, particularly when its polyps are extended. It is commonly referred to as "thorn coral" due to its tendency to host wormlike critters whose tubes extend from the colony, giving it a thorny appearance.
Water Quality: PH 8.0 – 8.4, Nitrate 5 – 10 (best to keep it stable), Phosphate 0.05 – 0.1, Alkalinity 8 – 9 dKh, and Calcium 400 – 450.
This is a representative picture of the piece of coral you will receive, not the exact piece of coral (almost WYSIWYG).
Being a relatively easy coral to care for, this Stylocoeniella is a vibrant encrusting stony coral exhibiting traits akin to small polyp stony corals like Montipora, while also sharing resemblances with certain small polyp forms of Goniopora, particularly when its polyps are extended. It is commonly referred to as "thorn coral" due to its tendency to host wormlike critters whose tubes extend from the colony, giving it a thorny appearance.
Water Quality: PH 8.0 – 8.4, Nitrate 5 – 10 (best to keep it stable), Phosphate 0.05 – 0.1, Alkalinity 8 – 9 dKh, and Calcium 400 – 450.
This is a representative picture of the piece of coral you will receive, not the exact piece of coral (almost WYSIWYG).